Welcome to The Xeric Garden!


I am dedicated to everything xeriscape; education, inspiration, and landscape transformation. My goal is to provide valuable information, showcase beautiful waterwise landscapes, and help others embrace sustainable gardening. Whether you’re looking for plant recommendations, design ideas, or insights into creating a thriving xeric garden, this is the place for you.

Why I Started The Xeric Garden

A Lifelong Passion for Gardening
Gardening has been a part of my life since childhood. I grew up tending garden beds alongside my mother, captivated by the colors, textures, and creativity of plants. To me, landscape design is a form of art, what I now call ‘painting with plants’.

Gardening as Inspiration & Remembrance
After losing my mother unexpectedly, gardening became more than a hobby; it became a way to find peace, reflect, and stay connected to her memory. This personal journey shaped my perspective and deepened my commitment to creating and sharing beautiful, meaningful landscapes.

A Commitment to Water Conservation
Living in Colorado, where water is a precious resource, I quickly realized the need for sustainable landscaping. Through research and trial, I discovered that xeriscaping isn’t just about saving water; it’s about creating resilient, stunning, and diverse landscapes. My mission is to help others achieve this balance, transforming yards one at a time.

Sharing Knowledge & Building Community
The Xeric Garden is more than just a business; it’s a place to share insights, lessons learned, and resources I’ve gathered over the years. I aim to provide practical information, showcase real-world examples, and highlight the beauty of xeriscaping through photography and design. I also love exploring other gardens and hope to feature inspiring landscapes and stories from fellow gardeners.

I’m excited to grow this community and help others bring their xeric landscape visions to life. If you’re ready to transform your outdoor space into a beautiful, waterwise garden, I’d love to be a part of your journey!

Hummingbird trumpet mint (Monardella macrantha ‘Marian Sampson’), Desert Moss (Arenaria ‘Wallowa Mountain’), Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum)